© Nicolás Braguinsky Cascini/Generating Respect Project

Female Religious Leaders in Mali 

A partnership with Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre to facilitate capacity-bridging and knowledge-sharing between female religious leaders in Mali and local authorities and civil society

The Generating Respect Hub’s engagement on female religious leaders in Mali is a follow-up activity of the Generating Respect Project, which demonstrated the potential influence of women religious leaders in conflict situations.

In partnership with Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre, we are developing a programme of consultations and interactive workshops aimed at women religious leaders in Mali to gain a deeper understanding of the everyday challenges civilians (and among them women) face, and to positively influence compliance with humanitarian norms.

The activities currently underway are supporting our partners to work co-productively with women religious leaders in Mali and to build their humanitarian norms-compliance capacity.

Ioana Cismas